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5) Insertion Sort in Java

We can create a java program to sort array elements using insertion sort. Insertion is good for small elements only because it requires more time for sorting large number of elements.

Let's see a simple java program to sort an array using insertion sort algorithm.


public class InsertionSortExample {  

    public static void insertionSort(int array[]) {  

        int n = array.length;  

        for (int j = 1; j < n; j++) {  

            int key = array[j];  

            int i = j-1;  

            while ( (i > -1) && ( array [i] > key ) ) {  

                array [i+1] = array [i];  



            array[i+1] = key;  




    public static void main(String a[]){    

        int[] arr1 = {9,14,3,2,43,11,58,22};    

        System.out.println("Before Insertion Sort");    

        for(int i:arr1){    

            System.out.print(i+" ");    




        insertionSort(arr1);//sorting array using insertion sort    


        System.out.println("After Insertion Sort");    

        for(int i:arr1){    

            System.out.print(i+" ");    




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